Justice Ministry

Biblical inspiration for Justice Ministry

Micah 6:8 says, “And what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

In Matthew 23:23-24, Jesus chastises the Pharisees for not following Micah 6:8.

Nehemiah the prophet provides a model for building the power needed to affect powerful systems when he gathers a Great Assembly to hold public officials accountable for the promises that had previously been made to the oppressed Jews in their community. He built power with people.

Vineyard Justice Ministry Efforts

To build power we join with ~25 other congregations under the banner of IMPACT, and together, by turning out thousands of people at an annual assembly called the Nehemiah Action, we exercise that power to bring justice to the Charlottesville area.

As one example of the results of our efforts, IMPACT has been successful getting the City of Charlottesville to put $3MM a year (for several years in a row now) into an affordable housing trust fund. By 2025, the Charlottesville Affordable Housing Trust Fund will have funded the construction or renovation of affordable homes for over 3,500 families in Charlottesville.

Vision 52/1

Our congregation wants to turn out our Average Worship Attendance of 85 people at least once a year for justice. We want the 85 who attend 52 worship services each year to attend the annual Nehemiah Action!

2024-25 Justice Ministry Cycle

The process of working for justice wins each year starts with building a Vineyard Justice Ministry Network. 

• A formal network of relationships – organized through households – that engages the entire congregation in doing justice. We have a 3-part annual cycle:

1. It starts with listening in the fall via house meetings where we listen to each others’ stories of how injustice personally affects us. 

2. In the winter and spring, we research and take action. Within IMPACT, we vote on the issues we will focus on, and we learn how they affect our communities. 

3. In the summer, we celebrate our wins.

If you have any questions, reach out to the Vineyard Justice Ministry Team Members, Carissa Phillips or Crystal Seek.

Latest Update: 1/31/2025

Justice Ministry Network Meeting Sunday, February 9th (after service) 12:30-1:30 p.m. at Studio IX, in IX Park
On Sunday, February 9th, Network Members will meet after service from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at Studio IX. We’ll have lunch, hear updates about the research work that’s still ongoing, and prepare for inviting folks to the Nehemiah Action. Everyone is invited to attend, and we are looking forward to gathering with our Network Members who have already made this commitment. If you are not a Network Member and would like to attend, please notify Carissa Phillips or Crystal Seek so that we will have enough food prepared. Additionally, please let us know if you have any food restrictions.